Saturday, January 31, 2009

Good thing blogs don't have late fees...

Just got back home from a weekend road trip. woo hoo. I took Wyn and Jo with me to Black River Falls to visit my awesome Grandma D. We had a chick flick night watching Andre' and Miss Congeniality (I love that movie so much), toured BRFalls this morning then went shopping in Eau Claire on the way home. Today it was sunny and 35... ahhhh bliss. I had my sunroof open and music playing. It felt so great.
Oh, crazy time... so I heard someone in the mall call my name.
I was like hmm...
I wonder who else is named Cheyenne. But I turned around to see a family I hadn't seen in about 4 years! It was crazy. Brought back so many memories. It was crazy to see the little girl all grown up and in HIGHSCHOOL. Ahhh, where does the time go? I feel so old.
I should move back to Minocqua for a few months or something. I actually do miss it.
Work is cutting my hours more than I anticipated. :/ I need another job.
Good luck, huh?
I really need to get more money in the Bolivia account.
I'm going back and trying to pay my own way. Eek.
I'm already stoked though. :)
I could live there.
Maybe I will.
I'm applying for YWAM in Scotland for this fall.
I hope it works out.
Peace and Love from Jesus,

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

[Oh My]

I have off from work today. I've been getting stuff done for the Drama Class and packing away Christmas stuff all day. I am going to go crazy! I am not used to be home all day. Let's go...
I am excited for drama to be starting up again, and yet at the same time my anxiety is back for the occasion. Ugh. just thinking about all I have to get done makes my heart rate raise quickly. In my mind I stay calm, but I have an issue with my body not agreeing with me! I get all sick and yuck. BUT it will be good. And I do love the Drama group. I just have to get into it, and I will be fine. It's the planning involved I don't like. I need a lot more help this time for sure. I felt like a chicken with my head cut off before, so I'm definitely taking on some volunteers for this play! But I am excited. The kids are great.
I gotta go. I think I need some vitamin D, too bad it reached it's high of -5 today. :/
I need sunshine! Ahhhaa, okay.
Peace and Love.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

I'm such an idiot...

I just thought you'd like to know. Tonight I learned never to take a little car with no 4x4 on the stupid lake. Ever. Especially when it's not yours. :/
Why do I insist on learning things the hard way?
On the brighter side, I wrote today. I actually sat down and wrote. It felt quite good. Ad we now have some material forming for our pro-life documentary (Erika and I). I can't wait for Rachel to come home. I'm sure she would love this.
Peace in an unstable world,

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

So It's 2009...

And I've never before entered into a year without any huge expectations. I'm not claiming this as "the best year of my life" and my resolutions are simple promises to myself and my God. I think I'm entering this year with more curiosity then anything. What will it hold? Where will God take me? And what is going to happen in our nation in 2009? I'm almost afraid, but I know things have to come. So in a way, I guess it is a small excitement. But not really. I'll just be content. I know change is coming and I am ready for it. Be it good or bad. Bring it on 2009! Bring it on..