Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Crazies Update!

Hey All!

Just a quick update!
I apologize for not updating sooner. I have been busy non-stop. But since I find myself under-the-weather today I have some minutes to spare for e-mailing.

Please continue to keep my Mother's health in your prayers!
It was amazing to me and my Sister how much the Body of Christ stepped up while she was in the Hospitals. You have blessed me and my family beyond compare with your love & support! However, as time goes on and her poor health continues I grow increasingly torn between my calling in Thailand and being with my Mom during this time. I am confident in what God has called me to though, whatever His will is may it be done! I AM returning to the village of Nahong in 2 short weeks! I'm anxious to continue the Discipleship there and to see a Church planted.

Pray for me as it is a possibility for me to stay with Lamode's family part of my time there. That would be a huge open door, but also very difficult, as they don't speak English! Pray that God would expand my knowledge and skill with Thai Language (our translator this year is not a Christian, which will prove difficult in leading Bible Studies!) so that I may communicate more clearly without the need of a translator.

God has been teaching me so much in the arena of Leadership as this School progresses. I feel like God is preparing me for things soon ahead.
I am continually humbled and broken, but confident and growing in my walk with God. Just seeing how Christ on earth portrayed perfect servant leadership amazes me. That is my goal! To be like my Savior.

The Lecture Phase of this DTS is coming to an end. The Students have done well! God has changed lives, once again. And I'm so grateful to have been here to see it. My one-on-one counseling student has became a different person than when she first started. And again, God keeps humbling me and showing me that I can't do anything or change anyone outside of His power. It's amazing.

Financially, God has provided for me quicker than I have ever experienced! I am only in need of a few hundred dollars for the rest of my trip to Thailand. Usually I am sweating it to the last minute. But God sought it good to put my mind at ease and focus on "my Girls" (students) and my Family this Christmas season. I am confident that the other hundreds will come in before it is time to leave (Dec 31st).
(I ask you to prayerfully consider joining my monthly support team in 2012. I know that when I return funds will be short again after putting it all towards getting to Nahong.)

Thank you all for your Love & Support! You have blessed my life more than I can say.

"The goal of a missionary is to work oneself out of a job." Cheyenne Clark ชาย

Luke & I at the Thanksgiving Dinner here at the YWAM Campus.